Esto ni siquiera existe

[O al menos no debería]

It is wise and terrible.

I read Transmetropolitan today, I quite enjoyed it. Everything on that comic explains perfectly my point of view about journalism.

'Cause you see, in order to do journalism you need yo be in the proper mood, wich is the same as being utterly pissed, absolutely mad at the world. Rage seems to be the only way to reach the truth.And knowing that everyone around you hates you, tries or it's actually fucking you up, really gets you mad.

You are truly furious, yet you laugh, you are like possesed by a demon, who only knows to be brilliant. The right words come into your mind, you can only write them down, force the world to hear you, try to make them listen, even when you know they wont. Specially if you know they wont.

Creo que llegó el momento de decirles que estudio comunicación social en la UNLaM, y que ser una señorita universitaria no es tan divertido como imaginaba.

Estoy en mi segunda semana de vacaciones -Ser una ñoña que promociona todas las materias es útil- Pero las cosas divertidas siguen pasando los fines de semana, y la mitad del material de lectura que conseguí para las vacaciones apesta. Lo que me hace pensar seriamente en buscar trabajo por segunda vez y rechazar todas las ofertas que me hagan porque los horarios son una mierda ¬¬

El aburrimiento me llevó a arreglar el blog, y a pesar del header enorme, estoy conforme con los resultados. Ahora mis lectores imaginarios pueden dejar comments en el shoutbox. Yay!

Cambiando radicalmente de tema, quiero decir que odio a Tolstoi por cagar sus genialisimos libros agregando propaganda cristiana al final de los mismos.

Hace varios años yo tenía un blog con una amiga. Ese blog está muerto - nunca fue muy activo en primer lugar - y solo cuatro de sus post valen la pena. Así que voy a postear una de esas cosas acá.

Once upon a time or maybe twice, there were two stupid draws who struggle for a sword, one was Rikku, a blonde girl who wanted that sword for his boyfriend, Zero, so he could use it as a useful tool for cleaning those horrible theet of him. The other one was Link, a mighty boy that wanted the sword to defeat a terrible pig...

So the battle began and Rikku brought a chest and when Link saw it he desperatly wanted to open it, and so he did... but as we all know once Link opens a chest and gets the money that is inside it a terrible thing happens, he stands up with the coin upon his head with his feet wide open, so he appears to be a triangle, but he is not, he is just link.

Well, Rikku got the sword by using this little trick, but the sword was cursed, it had it's own will, and it wasn't good at all, so the sword destroyed Rikku with a powerfull light, and of her only, ashes, hair and a skull were left.

And the poor Link who was still under the effects of the chest was atackted by the sword, unnable
to defend himself. If he survived we may not know.

The end

Draws: Uchu.
Narrator: Rumpelstiltskin

It's me, Mario! (Not)

My photo
Es probable que yo este loca.